Lockown Physical Activity

School Games virtual badge2

During March to July, the children of Loseley Fields endeavoured to keep their minds and bodies healthy by participating in physical activity and various sporting challenges throughout lockdown.

Many children took part in the daily Joe Wicks workouts on YouTube whilst others thought of other creative ways to be physically active and made up their own circuits or dance routines. Lots of children along with their families benefited from the lovely weather and went outside on their bikes, walking or paddle boarding!

Mr Riley, our PE specialist even gave the children fun video challenges to do with their families.

In addition to this, the children of Loseley took part in Active Surrey’s Virtual Surrey School Games. Each week a new challenge was given to the children that focused on a different skill e.g. agility, balance, speed etc.

The children of Loseley Fields did themselves proud by coming 11th in the whole of Surrey for their efforts. Well done awesome Loseley team!