
E Safety

E-Safety is something that we take very seriously at Loseley Fields, and is embedded throughout our curriculum as well as covered through targeted activities such as our recent Safer Internet Day when the whole school learned more about protecting their online identity.

There are many very useful guides for children and parent/carers on the website link below and you will find some of these guides here. We will add additional relevant guides to help you to safeguard yourselves and your children whilst enjoying online activities.

Tik Tok challenges and Live Stream Advice

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) have shared this resource with us which we think contains helpful information for parent/carers to safeguard their children online.

Age Group - 4-5's
Age Group - 5-7's
Age Group - 8-10's
Age Group - 11-13's
Age Group - 14+

(1st July 2020)

Useful Links

National Online Safety - https://nationalonlinesafety.com/

Tik Tok - What Parents Need to Know

Better Internet for Kids - https://www.betterinternetforkids.eu/
A site promoting safe digital habits for children throughout Europe. Has blog posts for trending internet topics and a hotline where families can receive support, and report anything suspicious online.

Net Aware - http://www.net-aware.org.uk/
A site where parents review and rate social media apps and sites based on the features and how appropriate they are.

Smartphone Safety: How to protect your child -  

E-Safety Support - https://www.e-safetysupport.com/

NSPCC - Online Safety in lockdown
As the NSPCC say, right now children will be spending more time online. So we recommend parent/carers take a look at the guidance they share on the link below to help keep your children safe.


NSPCC - Getting To Know What Your Child is Doing Online (9th June 2021)


Protect Young Eyes -  https://protectyoungeyes.com/

 Squid Game

Due to the popularity of Netflix’s most recent viral show, Squid Game, we have been made aware of the risks for young people of viewing this. Online safety experts have received several questions about it from concerned parents, carers, and teachers and have released a Safeguarding Update that highlights the main risks and concerns their experts found when researching the show. Below is a link to this update and also a useful Netflix guide.







Remote Learning - 10 Top Tips for Children
Minecraft - Fact Sheet
Tik Tok - Fact Sheet
Zoom - Fact Sheet
Houseparty - Fact Sheet
SMART Rules - Poster
SMARTIE - Poster
Rocket League Fact Sheet
Netflix Guide