
The school staff, alongside the LA, firmly believes that all pupils benefit from regular school attendance. We know that every day lost to education can have a serious impact on children’s attainment and overall progress in school. As a staff we do all we can to encourage parents and carers to ensure that the children in our care achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent full attendance are identified and acted on promptly. Pupils will be expected to attend 100% of the time, unless the absence is authorised by the Headteacher (or delegated person in the school).

Medical Appointments

Whilst the school will grant requests for absence for dental and medical treatments, parents/carers are encouraged, whenever possible, to book medical and dental appointments outside the school day. When appointments during school hours are unavoidable, the school office should be notified in advance in writing. Evidence of the appointment may be requested. Parents are asked to remove the child only for the duration of the appointment.


Request for Leave of Absence

The school holiday dates are published a year in advance on the Surrey County Council website and parents/carers are expected to book their family holidays during those times. Leave of absence will not be granted for holidays to be taken in term time.

Should absence be taken without the Headteacher’s authorisation the case will be referred to the Inclusion Team and a Penalty Notice may be issued.

To view our Attendance Policy please CLICK HERE

Fixed Penalty Notification Letter
Attendance Leaflet 2023