Pupil Premium

Publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils. Schools get pupil premium funding based on the number of pupils they have in January each year who are/have been eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years as well as children who are looked after.

As outlined by the Education and Endowment Foundation (EEF), best practice is for schools to use their funding in three ways:

  1. Teaching- Spending on improving teaching might include professional development, training and support for early career teachers and recruitment and retention. Ensuring an effective teacher is in front of every class, and that every teacher is supported to keep improving, is the key ingredient of a successful school and should rightly be the top priority for Pupil Premium spending.
  2. Targeted support- Evidence consistently shows the positive impact that targeted academic support can have, including on those who are not making good progress across the spectrum of achievement. Considering how classroom teachers and teaching assistants ca provide targeted academic support, including how to link structured one-to-one or small group intervention to classroom teaching, is likely to be a key component of an effective Pupil Premium strategy.
  3. Wider support strategies- Wider strategies relate to the most significant non-academic barriers to success in school, including attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support. While many barriers may be common between schools, it is also likely that the specific features of the community each school serves will affect spending in this category.

To find out more, please see their website: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Publications/Pupil_Premium_Guidance.pdf

At Loseley Fields, our ambition is to improve outcomes of socially and economically disadvantaged pupils and reduce the variation between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged groups. Our priorities for our disadvantaged pupils align with our school improvement plan that is written to combat our whole school targets to improve the quality of teaching and learning across the school and increase the rates of progress in English, mathematics and a range of other subjects.

To achieve this, we have a three-year strategy that aims:

  1. To close the gap in attainment between pupil premium children and our non-disadvantaged children.
  2. To ensure that pupil premium children with SEND make good or better progress from starting points.
  3. To ensure that we support our families so that our most disadvantaged children build the same cultural capital as their non-disadvantaged peers.

Please see the Pupil Premium Statement below which includes the review of the previous year.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025