Loseley Fields is an inclusive school where every teacher is a teacher of SEND.

At Loseley Fields we ensure that equal opportunities are provided for all learners regardless of their special educational needs.

As a school, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum, with many opportunities to engage with learning in a multi-sensory way. Children are encouraged to participate in the wider life of the school and within the local community through the Citizenship pathway.

Teachers know their children well and set suitable learning challenges that meet the needs of all children. At Loseley Fields, we do our best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs and that those needs are known to all who are likely to work with them.

Our aims are to:

Create an environment that meets the needs of all learners and allows them to reach their full potential;

Entitle children to a broad and balanced curriculum differentiated to meet their individual needs;

Ensure that pupils with SEND are identified, assessed and provided for with additional resources as early as possible - please see the SEND Policy below.

Involve parents and keep them fully informed of all SEND issues;

Work in cooperation and productive partnerships with the Local Authority and other outside agencies, to ensure there is a multi-agency approach to meeting the needs of all vulnerable learner;

Ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet children's needs, through targeted professional development;

Provide support for pupils with medical conditions so that they can take a full part in all school activities.

As a school, we ensure that all staff, teachers and teaching assistants, are well trained and resourced to meet the needs of each individual learner. We provide an environment where children with SEND can learn alongside their peers. Our SEND team work with families to ensure that the provision meets the needs of their child, enabling them to make progress in their learning.

We follow a graduated response to supporting children’s SEND at Loseley Fields and further details can be found in the school’s SEND information report and provision map, available below. These documents show how the provision at Loseley Fields contributes to Surrey’s local offer for children and young people with SEND, which can be found at:

Leo Class (Specialist Centre for Learning and Additional Needs - LAN)

Leo Class is a Specialist Centre for children who may need specialist teaching for learning and communication, but would benefit from accessing mainstream provision. We currently have 12 places for children in KS2. All children in Leo Class have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). Admission to Leo Class is via the local authority and details can be found on the Surrey Local Offer website.

Arrangements for pupils with disabilities

Admission criteria for children with disabilities will follow the admissions policy agreed by the school's governing body.

All pupils within Loseley Fields Primary School are treated equally. Expectations of achievement and effort are high and each child is asked to do their best at all times, achieving together.

The school is currently on one ground level with the exception of the building at the rear of the school which has two levels. This building has no lift. We would ensure that any child with disabilities had full access to our curriculum, making arrangements to move classrooms if necessary. Full disabled access is provided to the main area of the school in addition to disabled toilet facilities.

Loseley Fields Primary School is an inclusive and supportive school enabling all pupils to have equal access to learning.

If you have any questions about provision for children with additional needs at Loseley Fields, please contact our school SENCO at


Useful Links for SEND Information

Surrey SEND is the local offer website and on-line hub for up to date information and advice about SEND in Surrey.

SEND Advice Surrey gives independent support and advice for parents of children with SEND in Surrey (formerly Surrey Parent Partnership).

Family Voice Surrey is a forum for parents of children with SEND in Surrey.

Special Needs Jungle provides parent-led information, resources and informed opinions about children and young people with SEND.

Mindworks Surrey The Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service.

SEND Support
SEND Policy 2023-2024
Mainstream SEND Information Report
Accessibility Policy
Provision Map 2023-2024