Equality and Enrichment

At Loseley we are committed to developing our young learners into forward thinking citizens. We do this through our values and broad and balanced curriculum. We recognise that we need to ensure our children understand equality and diversity so that they can challenge discrimination and thrive in their community.

Equality and Enrichment team

The Equality and Enrichment team are working collaboratively to ensure that equality and enrichment is at the heart of all we do at Loseley Fields. It is made up of leaders of particular areas such as Curriculum, Phonics, PSHE, RE and PE as well as other aspects of school life such as creativity in the curriculum, SEND and Pupil Premium.

Aims of the Equality and Enrichment Team


When we started developing our curriculum in 2018, we took the Civitas Core Knowledge Curriculum as our starting point. We began by developing History, Geography and Science. We have been constantly reviewing and refining our curriculum since then. In Summer 2021, the Curriculum Leader in conjunction with teachers undertook a review of what we had done so far. We recognised that the history curriculum in particular was not very representative of the diverse society that we live in so set about changing that. In Yr 5, the children learn about the growth of the British Empire and the Transatlantic Slave Economy. In order to contextualise this, we were keen to show how sophisticated African societies could be so introduced a unit on Benin in Yr 4. We have also introduced a unit on Windrush in Yr 6, which builds on the work children have done on migration to Britain since Year 2, when they study the Romans, the Vikings, the Anglo Saxons and the Normans. Through this they can consider the racism and discrimination faced by the Caribbean migrants and how society still faces these issues today.

We have termly Remarkable People Days, where the children learn about significant people who reflect our diverse society whether this be their race, gender, disability or other protected characteristics. The people chosen are those whose life and work has contributed to shaping the world we live in. These are designed to build upon prior learning where possible – for example, the children learn about Ancient Egypt in Yr 2 so they have some understanding of the society when they study Cleopatra as a Remarkable Person in Yr 3. More information about this can be found by clicking HERE

In September 2021, we held an ‘Equality and Diversity Week’ throughout the school. During this time, all the children were able to explore and investigate what these terms mean to them and how these things affect them as individuals and our wider community. Through the use of art, stories and our PSHE curriculum, children worked independently and collaboratively to create pieces of work that would reflect the discussions that were held during lesson times. We were also able to meet together as a school community during our assemblies and discuss our outcomes and make connections between our different phases throughout the school. You will see evidence of these final outcomes displayed around the school.


In September 2021 we began our new phonics scheme, Bug Club Phonics, across Key Stage 1, the Solar Centre and in lower Key Stage 2 where needed. Every child at Loseley Fields has access to the same phonics provisions, ensuring fidelity across our school. Every child has their own login at home to access a wide range of appropriately decodable books and phonics games. Teachers also send home fully decodable books, matched to the individual child’s ability. Teachers are highly skilled at assessing and identifying each child’s needs and are able to put interventions into place immediately to ensure every child achieves to their greatest ability. More information about our phonics programme can be found by clicking HERE



At Loseley Fields, we follow the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education where children are taught to both learn about religion and from religion. This includes knowing about and understanding beliefs, looking at teachings and sources and practices and ways of life of major world religions. Children are encouraged to express ideas and insights into questions of identity, diversity and belonging; meaning, purpose and truth; values and commitments. Children reflect and develop their own ideas and opinions through a variety of learning experiences including visits from local religious organisations. For further information and an insight into our RE curriculum please click HERE



PSHE at Loseley Fields is a planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that help our children grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and communities. Our spiralised curriculum helps to equip our children with knowledge, understanding and practical skills, appropriate to their age and maturity, in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilled and responsible lives. Through our PSHE curriculum our children are able to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the more complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future. In short, PSHE makes a significant contribution to our children’s personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and the ability to understand and reflect upon British values, such as inclusion, acceptance and honesty. For further information and an insight into our PSHE curriculum please click HERE .


PE at Loseley Fields has been transformed since the introduction of realPE in 2020. RealPE gives every child the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. It is a unique, child-centred approach which transforms how PE is taught to engage and challenge EVERY child. Every child has access to the realPE learning platform at home. For further information and an insight into our PE curriculum please click HERE

Creativity in the curriculum

At Loseley Fields, we are incredibly proud of the creative offer that we provide at school. Within the curriculum, we have ensured that we study and explore a range of different artistic techniques and artists from around the world, giving children the chance to witness and investigate skills that they would not have had the opportunity to do beforehand. This is also replicated within our DT curriculum, where we have attempted to align our projects and taught skills with our history, geography and science topics. Throughout their time with us at Loseley, we also give children the opportunity to visit galleries and exhibitions to immerse them in the wider artistic world and provide them with the chance to enrich their cultural capital. As well as our fantastic art and DT curriculums, we have an extensive extra-curricular offer that allows children to experience a range of creative clubs, including crochet and craft clubs. We also have many connections with local Art Societies, such as ‘The Guildford and Wey Valley Arts Society’, who help to provide our children with funding to allow us to give additional experiences for our most vulnerable children.

In line with the Model Music Curriculum, children at Loseley Fields have the opportunity to learn a variety of musical instruments across their primary education. We have invested in quality whole class sets of recorders, glockenspiels and ukuleles to ensure all children have equal opportunities and are encouraged to develop skills in the wider curriculum. As well as in class music experiences, children are also offered the chance to take part in different singing clubs. These include a gifted and talented Glee club as well a choir which will take part in the Young Voices performance at the O2 London and is open to all abilities. Children have had several opportunities to develop their performance skills through singing in the wider community, such as at local care homes and Watts Gallery events.

djembe drumming 4

Young Voices2


At Loseley Fields we ensure that all children with SEND have equal opportunities and can learn alongside their peers in all curriculum areas. Our inclusive ethos is promoted and practiced consistently across the school by all members of staff. The SENCO ensures that rigorous monitoring of SEND provision and intervention enables pupils with SEND have access to the curriculum and make good or better progress from their starting points. For further information please click HERE.

Young leaders
At Loseley, we are committed to developing our young leaders with a variety of opportunities that reflect our school priorities. We have Sustainability Ambassadors who promote making good choices for our planet; Reading Ambassadors who promote reading for pleasure throughout the school; Play Leaders who promote active and engaging playtimes; Sports Leaders who support and encourage their peers to engage in PE lessons and enjoy physical activity.

Sports leaders


We run an extensive range of clubs, both after school and at lunchtimes, to enhance the experiences offered to all children. For example, crochet, archery, Authorfy (creative writing), art, Loseley Rangers (outdoor learning) and a variety of sports clubs. For further information about clubs on offer please click HERE.

Equality and Enrichment Champion

Our ‘Equality and Enrichment Champion’ is developing the role to create a bridge between the strategic work of the Pupil Premium Lead and the children. For example, the academic and wider curriculum access for all Pupil Premium children has been mapped out so we can target gaps to ensure that our club and intervention offer meets the specific needs of our children. As a result, a KS1 reading club was started by one of our TAs.

Trips and onsite visits

At Loseley, we are passionate about providing children with experiences to enhance their cultural capital and further enrich their understanding of our ambitious curriculum. We aim to provide a trip, visitor or experience day in each topic in order to bring the learning to life for the children. For further information about trips and onsite visits on offer please click HERE.

Tuesley Farm trip

Marwell Zoo

Henley Fort2


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