
Curriculum intent for Physical Education and Sport

At Loseley Fields we want to inspire all children to have a passion for sport, fitness and healthy living, that will continue throughout their lives. By the time they leave us in year 6, we want all children to be physically literate and confident in a way which supports their long-term health allowing them to be physically active for sustained periods of time.

Throughout their time at Loseley Fields, the children will develop a broader range of skills that they will learn to use and apply in different ways and in different contexts. During lessons they will enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with one another and will also learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

As of January 2020, we have introduced REAL PE and have become a Legacy School which allows us to teach high-quality and engaging, skill-based, inclusive and progressive PE lessons across the school, where children of all abilities are able to succeed.

Alongside this, we provide competitive opportunities through inter-house and inter-school competitions. Using the REAL PE learning cogs, which link closely to our school learning habits and values the children will develop skills which they will be able to use across school life and beyond when they leave us at the end of year 6.

What is real PE?

Real PE gives EVERY child the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieves in PE, Sport and life. It is a unique, child-centred approach which transforms how PE is taught to engage and challenge EVERY child.

Every child will:

• take part in two hours of planned physical activity a week, one of which being real PE
• experience high quality teaching from teachers at Loseley Fields and sports coaches
• develop the fundamental physical skills of agility, balance and coordination
• apply these skills within a wide range of sports
• have additional opportunities for physical activity within curriculum hours and outside of curriculum hours
• opportunities for physical activity during lunch time with planned events such as dance, skill stations, sport in the MUGA.
• be inspired to lead and support others through real leaders
• be well informed to make exercise a part of their healthy lifestyle now and in the future

Loseley Fields is committed to ensuring all children have full access to high-quality physical education and sport. We use a sports coach as well as our teachers to deliver two hours of curriculum P.E. every week. In addition to two hours a week, classes participate in extra physical activity such as working towards a daily mile and termly sports challenges.

The Curriculum consists of the following areas:

• Dance
• Gymnastics
• Games, including invasion, net & wall, striking and fielding
• Athletics
• Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
• Swimming
• Extra-curricular opportunities both competitive and non-competitive

To see a list of clubs, go to Extra Curricular offer

RealPE at Loseley Fields
RealPE Progression Skills
Creating a New Ambition
Fundamental Movement Skills
P.E. Curriculum Map 2021-2022
The Importance of Learning to Swim - Guide for Par