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At Loseley Fields, our aim is to provide a fully rounded, creative and immersive curriculum. Strengthening the children’s imagination and creativity is at the heart of our journey and our all-inclusive art and DT curriculums are key to this. The opportunity for children to express themselves is key to their well-being, progression and happiness at primary school and is something that we want all children to have an exciting experience of.
The staff at Loseley Fields work tirelessly to plan and create exciting and engaging art and DT lessons, that often link to other areas of our curriculum. Children will be asked to use their artistic and creative skills in many forms and in most lessons: Mondrian in maths, Rembrandt in R.E, Banksy in PSHE, we aim to immerse our children in a wide range of art: modern, classical and traditional. Our bespoke Art and DT curriculums have been created around our exciting topics to support understanding and assist with engagement. Children can begin to unpick the more complex areas of history, geography, RE and science through immersing themselves in interesting projects and activities, that teach them a progression of skills that will support them as they learn. These projects can help children gain a level of personal understanding of how things work and how situations may have felt during different periods of time. Children learn through doing and our creative curriculums aim to support this.
We also offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities, at both lunchtimes and after school, that stimulate these qualities in our students, including art clubs, craft club and crochet club.