Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Principles and Intent – What do we want our curriculum to achieve?

Our experience of working in our school community tells us that our children are most engaged in their learning when it immerses them in meaningful, creative experiences which work towards an end goal. They are excited by working outdoors or on school visits where learning really comes to life. As teachers we know that particular focus should be on language development in all that we teach because we recognise that this is the key to closing the gap for our most disadvantaged pupils.

The curriculum we offer at Loseley Fields includes all the experiences we offer our children which meets and extends beyond the requirements outlined in the National Curriculum. We see the curriculum as a progression model which has suitable depth and breadth, building on prior experiences and learning to help make sense of new knowledge and skills. We teach using a topic-based approach but also ensure that we give sufficient focus on each subject discipline. The high-quality curriculum that we offer has been carefully crafted with a commitment to evidenced-based pedagogy. It has been designed to give consideration to the sequence of content necessary for children to make progress providing children with the knowledge they need for subsequent learning through for example, planned vocabulary development and enquiry led themes. We have ensured that our curriculum reflects the cultural diversity of the world that we live in, in our commitment to promote equality in all that we do.

It is important that the education we provide at Loseley Fields fully prepares our young people for a successful transition into secondary school and then on to be successful and contributing members of society. To achieve this aim, staff at Loseley Fields recognise that the curriculum needs to strongly support each child’s personal and pastoral development. We provide this through our taught PSHE, SMSC and citizenship curriculum but also through the tailored support we provide for children when they need it so that they are able to fully access classroom learning. This includes all the pastoral interventions offered by our Home School Link Worker and resident Eco-therapist. Through this work we develop the skills of resilience, curiosity, passion, flexibility, creativity, bravery, organisation, problem solving, empathy and tolerance.