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Curriculum Impact and Assessment – How will we monitor the impact of the curriculum on pupil outcomes?
As teachers we know that every interaction with a child gives us information about how well they are doing and how else we can support their development moving forward. Through skilful formative assessment of children, we are able to watch them at work, question their understanding and plan for next steps. By providing timely and effective feedback to our pupils, they are able to be actively involved in their own learning and development.
Class teachers undertake more formal assessments of the children each term in English and maths so that we can see how well our children can apply the knowledge and skills they have developed in classroom lessons. This information is used to track each child’s progress and attainment over time and look for gaps in learning which is then addressed by the planning and teaching.
Senior Leaders meet with each class teacher, each term, in Pupil Progress Meetings so that they can track each child’s progress and attainment over time. This allows the senior team to make strategic decisions and plan school priorities for development.
Assessment & feedback in science and the foundation subjects is about ensuring that the children know more and remember more. Planning will reflect our understanding of the 'forgetting curve' (as researched by Daisy Christodoulou) and that activities used to secure children moving knowledge and skills into their long term memory also serve to inform the teacher about where the children are in their learning. To assess pupils' knowledge and skills, teachers will use progression documents to assess pupils upon entry to and exit from a unit of learning. The entry assessment will show what they know and have remembered, and the exit will assess what they have learnt. Teachers will also plan in interim 'hinge tasks' to assess children's learning in order to adapt planning to meet need. These assessments may take the form of a discussion, spoken task, written quiz or exit card, to name a few.