Year 2

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IMG 4724

The Cradle of Civilisation

Published on 21st November

In Year 2, our current topic is 'The Cradle of Civilisation' and we have been looking in particular at the Ancient Egyptians. To further explore this topic, we have been creating some pyramid artwork, discovering why they were made.

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Seeds 2

Science Seeds

Published on 21st November

In our science lessons, Year 2 have been learning about plants and how they reproduce. We identified and observed a range of different seeds in our science lab and then took our learning outside to explore how sycamore seeds use a helicopter motion to safely disperse their seeds around the parent tree.

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uest 1


Published on 21st November

In our literacy lessons, Year 2 have been reading 'quest' by Aaron Becker. We decided we would take our learning outside and deepen our engagement with the story by acting out the most dramatic scenes. Can you see our brave heroes crossing the rope bridge to retrieve the magic crayon?

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