Leo Class

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Field Trip to the River Wey

Published on 8th June

As part of their topic on Rivers, Leo Class enjoyed a trip out to the River Wey. Despite the rain, they had a great time investigating the river, applying some of their learning from geography lessons in the field, testing the currents at different places, 'pond' dipping, and collecting water samples to look at back in the science lab. The children were fascinated to see some of the micro-organisms that live in the river enlarged on the whiteboard in the lab. What a great way to end our topic.

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Maya Day

Published on 30th March

The Solar Centre got creative during their WOW day on Tuesday to mark the end of their 'Marvellous Maya' topic. They made Mayan codices (books) using glyphs, dream catchers to catch bad dreams, and cooked delicious Mayan style tortillas which they enjoyed with a traditional hot chocolate (without the chilli!)

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