
The Department for Education produces a list of policies that are considered statutory. These policies are indicated below with a *. The remaining policies are ones which we feel help shape our school and aid its smooth running, ensuring a common understanding of expectations. 

Learning Partners Academy Trust Statutory Information

To view the documents listed below please see the following pages of the Learning Partners website CLICK here

Please CLICK here to view our Privacy Statement.
Please CLICK here to view the Learning Partners Complaints Policy.

Accessibility Policy (LFPS) *
Admissions Policy 2025-26
Admissions Policy - Supplementary Information Form
Anti-Bullying Policy (LFPS)
Anti Bullying Policy - Child Friendly
Attendance Policy (LFPS)
Behaviour Policy Statement (Trust)
Behaviour Policy 23-24 (LFPS) *
British Values Policy (LFPS)
Charging and Remissions Policy (LFPS) *
Child Protection/Safeguarding (Trust)
Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend Schoo
Code of Conduct - Staff (LFPS)
Communication Policy (LFPS)
Complaints Policy (Trust) *
Early Career Teachers (Trust)
Early Years (LFPS) *
Designated Teacher for looked After Children (LFPS
Data Protection Policy (Trust)*
Educational Visits Policy (LFPS)
Equality Information and Objectives Policy
First Aid Policy
Health & Safety Policy Statement (Trust)
Home Learning Policy (LFPS)
Lettings Policy (LFPS)
Literacy Policy (LFPS)
Online Safety Policy (LFPS)
Outdoor Learning Policy (LFPS)
Statement of procedures for dealing with allegatio
SEND Policy 2023-2024 (LFPS) *
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions (LFPS)
Relationship and Sex Education Policy (LFPS) *
Touch and Restraint Policy (LFPS)
Travel Expenses & Governor Allowances (Trust)
Wellbeing Policy (LFPS)